Sunday, October 31, 2010

Running With the Kenyans

I spent the weekend in Valley Forge honing my work skills, but mostly nursing the flu after my attempt of a run with the Kenyans in Valley Forge Park.  The Streak lives on, but only barely.  Respiratory distress is not a good way to end the weekend.  I was saved by the return of Gino's to King of Prussia.*  (see below)  (Everybody Goes to Gino's!)

The Blog missed me at least a little bit, which is why I'm always in search of guest bloggers, which has met with limited success. Anyone wishing to occasionally opine about something barely related to Running, PSU, Golf or Physics, just let me know.

While I was away, Penn State came in 4th in both Men's and Women's Cross-Country Championships in Madison, Wisconsin.  A good outcome for both teams, I dare say.  The future is quite bright for the whole program.  More on this later.

Here's a few tidbits unrelated to anything, but should provide a chuckle or two.

  1. An Australian man recently set the world record for belly button lint collection.  Apparently, thermal underwear makes the most.
  2. Science has proven that magic really works!  Sort of. Sometimes. Kinda.
  3. NASA solved the problem of paying the price for returning astronauts from MarsThey won't.
  4. The McRib is in a triumphant nation-wide revival for 6 weeks.  Join the cult.
  5. Gino's actually has returned.  Gino Marchetti was inducted to the Football of of Fame in the 70's.

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