Monday, November 1, 2010

Your Vote is Important!

Our theme for the second Photo Caption Contest  is Suffrage, and who better to promote our vote than Susan B. Anthony I also picked this photo because she looks as if she needs a shave as much as Clark did in the photo!  (Just kidding.) 

Needless to say, everyone can vote, including women.  But only once this time.  Chicago voting has been turned off for this episode.  Vote on the Left Sidebar.  To see the photo again, go HERE.


  1. I vote for a moratorium on mentions of Gary Black until Coach Groves has at least a 10 mention lead...seriously, 50+ years of legendary coaching versus titanium hip replacement before the age of 50. Surely Brian Boyer has some math theorem to prove the absurdity of this disequalibrium!! I won't go into the marital/familial imbalance on the mention issue!! Yet. :) LM

  2. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. And ceramic/titanium hips are very squeaky. Coach has actually been mentioned far more than anyone else, but I don't always tag the post with his name. You certainly are catching up, though!


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)