Sunday, November 7, 2010

Election Results Even as Voting Continues

There is still a couple of days left in the vote for the best caption to the photo of Clark Haley holding two Heinekens aloft.  The Second Photo Caption Contest has a prize of a half gallon of Creamery ice cream (or 2 cones!) for the lucky writer.  The third installment in the series will be upcoming, and we'll be sure to avoid embarrassing references to adult beverages this time.  (In Clark Haley's defense, he was just stocking the cooler at a reunion evening, he wasn't double-fisting Heinekens!)

And the most important election result last week was the City Supervisor's prohibition of Happy Meals in San Francisco. First they came for the toys, then they came for your beer!  "When Happy Meals are outlawed, only Outlaws will have Happy Meals."

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