Monday, November 8, 2010

There is Hope For This World: And Running Helps

I realize I have spent a lot of time discussing Edison Pena already, but a little more won't hurt anything.  His weekend achievement astounds me, and I think it gives hope to a world that seems directionless at the moment.  A better 5:40 marathon probably has never been run.

Edison ran the New York City Marathon only weeks after being rescued from the Chilean Mine disaster and months since thinking his life was over.  He hurt his knee after starting out much too fast (who among our ranks can't commiserate?), yet never, ever contemplated not finishing.  His inclusion as a Hall of Honor member of our group is sealed.  I will be sending him a sampling of our wrist bands, including the original "Harry's Boys" version.  I have a feeling that Edison and Coach Groves would get along quite well.

And check out his rendition of an Elvis Presley classic at the end of this clip!


  1. You're welcome! Rent the Movie "Lilo and Stitch" if you like Elvis music. Gives you the same feeling. God, I love Elvis.


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