Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

It has been a great year for Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golf.  Our goal of attracting more of the 1,500 living PSU tracksters to our fold has gained steam.  The Harry Groves Memorial Golf Tourney has grown each of the last three years, and even non-golfers have realized  how great our reunion is!  We are well on our way to making our group the largest and most active group of its kind in the world.  I thank each and every one of you.  The photo is courtesy of Walt Chadwick and, a great friend of the group.


  1. Merry Christmas, Dave. And thanks for all your efforts to (re)unite all of us here in PSTAFAGland. May Santa bring you a 240 yard drive down the middle, an endless supply of 3-mile days, and a beer.

  2. Thanks Dave and PSU Alumni. It is fun to be associated with an enthusiastic group of people.

    I really love this picture of Greg (with or without hat).

  3. Dave - thanks for a year filled with funny, odd and informative posts (I'm actually learning some physics)!!

    Most of all, thanks for keeping this group connected.

    Merry Christmas to you and the family. Larry

  4. Merry Christmas Dave and your entire family that totally supports all the time you put into celebrating Coach and PSU XC/T&F. Greg never looked better thanks to your artistic flair!

  5. I cannot take credit for the artwork. I'm more autistic than artistic. Walt must be responsible for the festive red hat!

  6. A 240 yard drive is rare for me. Down the middle more so! 3 a day on the treadmill is the norm, but there were some 2's thrown in there and even a couple of 1's! (But less 1's than number of beers this year.) Thanks for the comments, guys!


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)