Thursday, December 23, 2010

Scattered Silliness

Thank goodness for the education that all of our tax payments give our children.  When they ask for more in the upcoming years, I hope I can designate some to go toward English and Proofreading studies.  (That, or 15 lessons in Sex Ed. apparently!).  Just what did Steve Prefontaine learn in Oregon schools?

And our next poll will decide which is better, Neil Young's (with Bruce Springsteen!) version of "Whip Your Hair Back and Forth" or the original from Will Smith's 11 year-old daughter Willow.  Get your votes in on the left sidebar.  Thanks to Barb Black for alerting me to this "blast from the past".


  1. Pretty sure a bunch of "older" running guys would side with Neil.....the children of all those "older" running guys would probably vote for Willow!! LM

  2. I'm pretty sure you're right. But I still can't figure out how anyone could vote for Willow! "Youth is wasted on all the wrong people."

  3. I was in the studio audience for the Neil Young (Jimmy Fallon) / Springsteen cover (Pink Wristband on Arm). It was an awesome surprise and a great show! I won the ticket through a Springsteen fan site three days before taping. I'll also add that PSU XC is full of devout Springsteen fans and I can guarantee they would vote against Willow Smith.

  4. PSU Track and Field Alumni Golfers are everywhere!

  5. Proofreading is as dead as conversational Latin. *sigh*


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