Monday, January 17, 2011

Physics Updates: Insanity and Brilliance Co-exist

Everyone is quite aware of Einstein's proclivity to mis-match socks, and his disregard for combing his hair.  His eccentricities were viewed as comical, at least as long as he didn't cause a police stand-off like a colleague of Brian Boyer's at LANL in the western deserts!

Richard Morse is being taken to Las Vegas for a mental health evaluation following his increasingly bizarre behavior of late. (Vegas would be the last place to take someone to better their mental health. I would think!) Considering he started with bizarre tendencies in the early 60's, that's saying a lot. He is redeemed in my eyes by having only 7 cats and being mentored by "The Great One" (Richard Feynman) as a student at Cal Tech.  Here's a photo of his living room, used as sorta evidence of his mental deficiencies.  Although it is quite like any of the dorm rooms I inhabited in North Halls back in the day.  I mean none of this to impugn Dr. Morse.  I wish him well, realizing that brilliance and insanity pal around quite readily!  Thanks to Brian Boyer, we were one day ahead of The Drudge Report in bringing you this news!  All the news that's fit for idiots!  I'm submitting this to the Pulitzer People just in case.

Speaking of Albert Einstein, here's a great article discussing one of his real world contributions, a better refrigerator than was available in his day.

And two more, discussing aspects of Matter and Antimatter.  That's enough for now, we have Indoor Track to think about.....

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