Monday, January 17, 2011

Way Back, Way-Way Back and Soon? Sub-4 Penn Staters

Tim Backenstose brings us this pic from last weekend's festivities at the Ashenfelter Complex.  First is two sub-4 milers surrounding Owen Dawson just after his 4:04.26 effort.  That's Larry Mangan on the left (3:58.4, 5/16/80 and 3:56.9, 7/19/83) and Greg Fredericks on the right (3:59.7, 8/5/78).

Other pics to be unveiled soon.....


  1. Dave - I think the other PSU Alum Sub 4 milers are listed below:

    Matt Lincoln CAN 3:59.39i 27 Jan 07
    Mike Wyatt USA 3:58.0 18 May 80

    It would be nice to see Dawson and Foster join the group!! LTM

  2. I had those two on the radar, but was saving them for another day.

  3. And we should list all the "just missed" guys too. I know Snid and Malmo are right there, how about others?


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