Monday, February 21, 2011

An Ivy League Outreach

I spread the good word of PSU Track and Field Alumni Golf to the Ivy League this past weekend in Princeton NJ.  Ed Roskiewicz's Princeton Lady Tigers were home at the Princeton Invitational, while Roaming Coorespondent and Blog Muse Rob Whiteside got to sample the inevitable Kung Pao dinner on Saturday night. It turns out that Rob and I are raising mirror image families, except he participates in the work!  We shared the Hotel with the Yale men's hockey team and the Yale women's tennis team.  It was refreshing to see dozens of scholar-athletes in the hotel lobby working on their homework on the free WiFi connection.  (Just like in my day!)  Both Rob and Ed are slated to attend the festivities in May (under threat of death, of course.).

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