Sunday, February 20, 2011

RIP Hershel Leibowitz

One of PSU's finest passed away at age 85 this weekend.  Hershel Leibowitz was a world renowned psychologist and avid Nittany Valley Track Club member, he began his career at Penn State in 1962.

I also learned he was born in York, PA, which I did not know.  I know no one who had anything but great things to say about him, which is a measure very few of us can live up to.

My respect for him grew over the years as my body deteriorated (ever so slightly!) and I realized just how good a runner he was in his 50's.

Please put any comments and stories about him in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for recognizing Hershel. I met him at Christmas 2009 when I visited my friend Karl Stoedefalke. Both men had enormous respect for each other.
    This past weekend I was in State College and Karl sadly told me of Hershel's passing. If we can live so we have the respect of those we meet we have lived an honorable life. This is a message I have learned from Hershel and Karl. May we all try harder.


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