Sunday, May 1, 2011

Almost a Bicycle!

I missed the Penn Relays 4 X 800 this year as I was scheduled for a Jazz Band Festival.  My daughter played in the youngest group among the entire Festival, and their group held their own quite well.  The all-volunteer and no audition group is quite talented and well trained.

Apparently, I missed one heck of a race this year.  The foursome of Lionel Williams, Sam Borchers, Ryan Foster and Cas Loxsom, came ever so close to getting another PSU Wheel, enabling them to have a bicycle, I suppose.  PSU will have to settle for a unicycle this year.  But momentum is building, recruits are starting to realize that PSU is the place to come, and that PSU Track Alumni (Golfers) have their back. (The golf is always optional!)  The Coaches are systematically creating an atmosphere fostering both high athletic and high academic achievement. As little by little, this momentum builds, the coaches will be able to point to our group as an example of enthusiasm unparalleled in Division I Track and Field.  A tradition worthy of all the hard work each of us contributed to PSU will grow and be envied by all the other programs.

A hat tip to the quartet of Virginia and a "good run" to each of the four Lions.  7:12.90
Lionel Williams (1:50.69), Samuel Borchers (1:47.56), Ryan Foster (1:47.95), Casimir Loxsom (1:46.70)

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