Monday, May 2, 2011

Munya Maraire's Good Works

Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golf has afforded me opportunity to meet many interesting people I otherwise would have missed.  A prime example of that is Munya Maraire.  He golfed with us a few years back and did a fair job considering I don't think he had ever handled a golf club before that day.  Coming all the way from Zimbabwe for our event is also something of a record!  Munya has devoted a significant portion of his life bettering his homeland by providing sporting opportunities for athletes from his impoverished nation.  I cannot imagine the obstacles he has hurdled in the years since graduating from PSU where he was a 2 sport star (Track and Field and American Football, as he calls it).

One of his athletes did rather well at Penn Relays and it garnered some press in the Newspaper of Record for his exploits.  Way to go Munya!

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Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)