Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Featured Foursome #1

I'll have a little bit to say about each of our 9 foursomes in no particular order, starting with this group of 4 handsome bipeds.

Jess Riden hit the links defending her Women's MVP Award last year, and appreciating the respite from her unending duties for the Track Program.  No one works harder per pound (all one hundred of them?) than Jess.  (Anyone wishing to see her get exasperated need merely ask her about heat sheets or accommodations for the Penn Relays.)

Steve Balkey represents the epitome of PSU Track and Field Alumni Golfers due to his dual credentials in the Hall of Honor.  He qualifies as an All-American and as a two-time inscribee on the Coach Harry Groves Cup!   His golfing skills are surpassed by his Hockey skills and those in turn are surpassed by his running bone fides.  He also found time to participate in the Alumni "Run", throwing down a fine 5:35 mile for third place.  We must all thank him for supplying the beer, sodas and water we all had while deforesting the Elks Club Course.

K. Kelly O'Brien found great use for his ball retriever won at his first tourney appearance.  Extending the length of it to 16 feet, he still didn't reach the ball in its watery grave.  He again attempted to win "The Best Shot" award this year, but was thwarted in his efforts despite an actual backward shot!

John Zieger, aka Ziggy, brought his "A" game to the Alumni "Run" but his "C" game to the golf course.  (Just kidding John, my game lies near the "Q" level, so what do I know?) John trotted to a all-time best mile at the run with his 5:32, tied with Nick K.  I will add that John was the best captain I ever had on the team, despite calling all 18-mile mountain runs 15 miles.


  1. KKOB's shorts should have come with a vision warning!!! That and his golf game were a little scary... :)

  2. The lush greenery in the background made the shorts acceptable. In the harsh reality of Damon's, they induced headaches!

  3. Did they all have to wear helmets to play with Kelly???


  4. If motorcyclists in PA don't require them, convincing golfers would be a tough sell! And we missed you Brian. Maybe next year?


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