Monday, May 23, 2011

This Isn't Our Day Job

You can't even begin to talk about our group without thanking Founder Clark Haley.  I'm afraid that if Clark hadn't started his little golf tourney among a few friends in 2002, none of the rest of us would have gotten off the couch long enough to start anything. This year, Clark went above and beyond the call of duty (honoring Coach Groves and PSU Track) to arrange for some special surprises for all of us.  He alone arranged for the t-shirts for all the golfers and the Hole-In-One package that almost paid off! (More on that to come.)  He even surprised the rest of the idiots-in-charge with these.  Three cheers aren't nearly enough.

Next on the list of thank-you's has to go to the Law Firm of Smith, Smith and Smith (better known as Keeper of the Cup Harry Smith and sons Holden and Ian).  The amount of heavy lifting and collection of all of the fees falls on Harry and his boys and they handle it with incredible dexterity. He handles about 30 other details of the entire event.  I can't thank him enough. 

There are many others who contribute both big and small, and I'll get to them eventually.  Thanks must also go to everyone who comes to the weekend.  Big things lie ahead for PSU Track, and you are one of the biggest reasons for it.

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