Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Back and Need a Shower

I'm back from my vacation in beautiful West Virginia.  The enchanted land without internet access and with 17th Century living conditions cannot be over-estimated. (In actual fact, we had a good time at a fully furnished campground that had limited internet capabilities.)  In the mean-time I have squandered our internet rankings and viewership of our humble blog has dwindled to 2008 levels. Three years to climb the mountain and 6 days to fall back down...

In order to bring things back to an appropriate level, I am re-introducing The Blog Ten Questions.  All those who declined to respond before caused me to completely forget about what was one of our best features.  I'll be bringing it back with a very special invitee soon.  Stay tuned.


  1. Bringing back the top 10 is a great idea. I for one have missed them. Nice to see the results from the different decades.

  2. I hope to expand the topic to a larger range of decades. (And even possibly to outside the group.)


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)