Saturday, July 9, 2011

Revitalized Ten Questions: The Coaches Edition

As more and more attention is directed to the Penn State Track Program, more and more people seem interested in our humble group of Alumni Tracksters.  Coach Beth Alford-Sullivan recently acquiesced to being our first victim in the revamped Blog Ten Questions.  This comes after the announcenment of her appointment as the Women's Head Coach at the Junior Pan-Am Games in Florida later this Summer.

1.  What was your first experience with track and field?   

 Running the 6th grade 600m dash….I was 2nd to Bob Kempainen….who went on to be a 2 time Olympian in the marathon 1992 and 1996…..Bob and I made a pact to be Olympians because his older brother was in Cross Country skiing at the time and I eventually got there as the 2004 Coach!!  And so it began at Burwell School in Minnetonka, Minnesota!

2.  If you didn't get in track coaching, what would you have done instead?
 I would have a reality TV show that followed around Track Coaches and programs….this would be a huge hit!

 3.  What was your most rewarding experience in track coaching?

 There are Sooooo….many….hard to pick one or just a few….but mostly seeing the program and individuals progess is the best!!

4.  What is the hardest part of your job?

There really isn’t a hard part…but you must have patience….with all aspects of the job….and many times that is not a strong suit of mineJ!!

5.  Who are your biggest coaching influences?

My husband continues to be on a daily basis….my parents always are supportive…Vin Lananna at Oregon over the years has been a great mentor….my best friends/Kim McGreevy (former PSU great)/Kathleen Raske (Head Coach at Sacramento State/JJ Clark (Head Coach at Tennessee)/and Greg Metcalf (Head Coach at University of Washington).  These are my Go-To peeps!!

6.  Was initially adjusting to State College life as difficult as I think it would have been?

Moving to State College from Palo Alto, Ca…was tough, what can I say….now I wouldn’t trade it for NOTHING!!

7.  If trapped on a desert island with a solar-powered video player, what 1 movie would you play over and over?

I would play the movie Slap Shot over and over….Paul Newman was an inspiration!

8.  And which 1book would you read, over and over?

Seabiscuit….hands down.  The story of that race horse was one I LOVE!  I have a photo of Seabiscut beating War Admiral on my wall in my office.  He was a true American Hero.

 9.  Which track and field event is your favorite to watch, (not Coach)?

OK….I love the Javelin…especially when thrown correctly…it is beautiful to see.

10.  Have you ever tried Kung Pao Chicken?

 Yes, but I favor a good ol….cheeseburger and a cold beer.


  1. Dave. We all know this is track AND FIELD! Yes I keep preaching this.
    Good 10 questions.

  2. My 31 foot triple jump, my 11 foot shot put, my no height in the pole vault (couldn't carry the 16 foot pole down the runway!)and my 5 foot 1 inch high jump all argue for my inability to remember the FIELD portion of our sport. I'm ever hopeful for change, however.

  3. I'm also a fan of the that I know where they hold all of these events!! Who knew all of those open, grassy spaces with the lines on them meant something!!! LTM

  4. I thought they were for stretching and throwing up after chasing you fast guys in practice!


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