Sunday, September 18, 2011

Old Time Goodness Keeps Popping Up

I included these two top-notch photos not just because they show Greg Fredericks again, but because they show two great running venues And they show Greg again.  Seems people keep sending me photos of him.  Nobody has any photos of me...

Everyone recognizes the bricks of Franklin Field, but does anyone know the other venue in the cross country photo?  I may even dig up a prize again, since anonymous hasn't come forward to claim his Group t-shirt yet. I have run at Franklin Field, but never laced up the spikes at the other venue.  submit your entry in the comments below.

Even older on the time scale is this great way for all of us desk jockeys to get back in shape prior to the 11th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tourney.   The best part is, I have apparently been wasting my time with the 10 minute miles I have been laboring over on my very expensive Health Club Style Treadmill. Apparently, I could spend less than 10 dollars and as little as 6 minutes a day for the equivalent of 2 miles of running daily.  Three minutes a mile!  The other 7 were all a communist plot or something...


  1. X-C season in full swing! Originally I was going to guess Van Cortland Park, then I noticed the viney-trees along what looks like a rail bed; SO, I'm gong to keep in close to home and say PSU course along the old rail bed blue/white course?

  2. Could that possibly be an IC4A meet in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia?? LTM

  3. Two good guesses, but remember, I said it's a place I haven't run. Larry, you were with me in 1978 at Fairmount Park when I "trounced" Mark Belger and Don Paige! (Don Paige really got upset when I pointed that out at last year's indoor meet. I had to apologize for saying that.) And Steve, I've certainly run our home course!

  4. Dave, that was 1977 when we ran in Fairmount - I remember because it was the first time I wore a PSU singlet..LTM If you really want to see Paige upset, mention the 1979 AAU 1500 against Scott!! ;)

  5. I think Steve was right with his first guess - VCP. LTM

  6. Ding, ding, ding... Larry wins a shirt! The Fairmount Plateau meet was before Pitt at Schenley Park and Georgetown at William and Mary? I actually made the travel squad for 3 meets that year. It was all downhill from there...

  7. And let's not get Malmo angry! It's Van Cortlandt (with a T) Park.

  8. Hey, I won something!! Just so you don't get all of your Philly readers mad at you, it's Belmont Plateau in Fairmount Park....LTM

  9. This time I was just checking to see if anyone was paying attention. Belmont was a good course, but I liked Schenley Park more, even though it had rained and was a mud pit. Remember Alan Scharsu churning up the HS race, right before we started?

  10. I am a Friend to Phil Passen's Facebook Group "I ran XC at Belmont Plateau" also. They apparently let anyone in!

  11. I liked that Schenley Park course, I ran it twice in HS for the Central Catholic Invitational meet. LTM

  12. I have never seen the VCP photo before. #435 is John Hartnett. Bob Wheeler won that race in 1971.
    More on John:


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