Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sickness, Malaise and, Oh Yeah, Cross Country

I was hit by a nasty bug early in the week, making this the most unimpressive period of time for the blog in quite awhile.  Although some may say the whole thing is unimpressive.  Whatever.  I managed to attend my daughter's first ever cross country race on Tuesday and was already feeling horrible.  Everything went downhill from there.  The meet was a quad-dual meet and was followed by another quad-duel meet on Thursday which I didn't make.  That's six duel meets in 48 hours for those keeping track.  They swept 4 of the meets and placed the first 4 in the two others, so her team is poised to repeat as State Champions.

Penn State teams had the Harry Groves Spiked Shoe Meet today before heading off to the Roy Griak Invitational and Notre Dame in the coming weeks.   I'll report on those meets well after Jess has already informed you of the salient points, which is my usual literary style!  And that's before lower respiratory symptoms intervene and the subsequent OTC drugs muddle my already muddled brain.

The Streak was perpetuated, against all medical advice, despite fever, anorexia, dehydration, dolar and outright crabiness.  I'll be back in shape soon enough and I'm looking forward to a great season.

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