Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Physicists Can Do Nearly Everything!

Except maybe find the Higg's Boson (aka The god Particle).  The inability to find the Higg's may be fueling ever increasing subsidies to the scientists, so maybe that's a good thing.  Here's several articles dealing with the search:

When Physicists turned their gaze toward the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming debate, it's funny what they are finding.  The big glowing yellow ball at the center of the Solar System may just in fact have something to do with Climate Change!!  Scientists at CERN aren't allowed to speculate on the meaning of their findings, but that won't stop others like me.

And just when I thought that String Theory was dead, nerds of the highest order gather in huge numbers to resurrect the beast!

But the best thing of all is when Particle Physicists discover something all of us can use!  The slowest thing that exists on earth is a woman in a buffet line (according to John Pinnette).  The second slowest thing is everyone ahead of you in line to board an airplane.  That is where a Particle Physicist from our beloved Fermilab comes in.  He has figured out the fastest way for airlines to board their planes.  It's twice as fast as the current method (which is incidentally slower than random boarding procedures!).  Making our lives better, atom by atom!

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