Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PSU Athletes Dominate in Paradise (and also Kauai!)

Everyone's opinion of Paradise varies.  I never think of a tropical island when thinking of paradise.  I tend more to think of mountain vistas, something like the overlook at the Bear Meadows/Switchback Loop, (believe it or not!).  Very few would think of Lock Haven University as paradise, but then again it is a sort of paradise for cross country runners.  A beautiful mountain setting with ravenous fans ain't all bad!

The PSU squads had a good opening and winning meet at the Dolan Duels at Lock Haven over the weekend, with Caitlin Lane and Kyle Dawson taking wins in both races.  This earned them Big Ten honors as athlete's-of-the-week.  They now have a week off for additional training before the season gets into full gear.

I've never been to Oregon, but plenty of runners classify it as paradise, and who am I to argue?  Bridget Franek, just back from the World Championships in Daegu, South Korea, will recommence her pro career in Oregon.  Getting paid to run seems like paradise to me.

And what most people feel is paradise happens to be Hawaii, and PSU Alumni (Golfer) Tyler McCandless has that covered too!  He won the Kauai Marathon in record time over the weekend. Not bad for a day's work.  Sure beats my day job!  With our new friend (and Director of the Honolulu Marathon) Jonathan Cross, maybe we can score Tyler an invite to the big island (or is that not the big island?).

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