Monday, September 26, 2011

Two Lows and a High

First up on the downer front is the coming demise of the Tevatron in Batavia Illinois on Friday.  The Big Red Button will be pushed ending several decades worth of quantum experiments .  Scientists are scattering across the world as the particles cease to be smashed into each other in the 4 mile ring.  Our very own Ron Moore will continue his scientific exploits on a much smaller collider in the medical field in Beantown.  Good luck Ron.

Next on the downer front, at least among us out-of-shape hobby joggers, is the death of the inventor of the Doritos snack chip.  Rest in neon orange pieces...

And just to keep a little mirth in the blog, I include more incredible PSU Track Alumni racing news.  Mark Hawkins raced a PR in the Great Race 5K in Pittsburgh last week in a blazing 17:19!  I include the old photo of Mark sporting the Alumni singlet until a new one is found...

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