Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Blog is Half Fuller

Not sure who actually took the photo, but it adds to the number of times I've had to mention one or more Fuller Bros, on the site!  (Fuller Bros. sounds like a great name for a company.)  Brian Fuller followed up his superb showing at the Rock-N-Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia last week with a stroll down 5th Avenue in NY in 4:12!  The range is impressive, but the singularly scintillating selection of the Alumni Singlet adds just the right touch to be posted prominently on our humble blog.  Everyone note the orange shoes, another key element of PSU alumni excellence apparently.


  1. Photo was taken by fellow PSU track alum Teddy Quinn '09 who has recently moved to NYC. Thanks for the awesome blog. Always entertaining!

    -Brian Fuller

  2. Thanks for the support and praise. Teddy Quinn and New York City: Perfect together. I'll keep that in mind for the next NYC/Kung Pao Track Alumni Golf Outreach! Keep the photos and stories coming.


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)