Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rolling Over the Odometer is Not an Easy Task

I just alerted the web site director for 100K Lifetime Miles about Coach John Lucas's career of over 160,000 lifetime miles.  It turns out it's Amby Burfoot, past Boston Marathon victor, Runner's World editor and 2-time Olympic Marathoner in 1956 and 1960.  Amby, of course knows Dr. Lucas already, and my alert may trigger a reunion between the two, which pleases me.

My career of a little more than 5 miles daily since 1975 adds up to about 68,000 miles so far, so I have a healthy respect for anyone with over 100,000 miles. Who else among my "tens of readers" has more miles under their belt?  I know you're out there!


  1. My odometer is old and rusty and no longer functions properly. I envy you young guys. glf

  2. How many miles do you estimate the odometer had on it until it broke? Has to be enough to make the 100K list! Don't tell me you never kept track of it??? Us obsessive-compulsive types won't believe that. (hee hee hee)

  3. I'll wager that GLF has topped the 100K number!!! LTM

  4. I'll bet Mitt Romney AND Newt Gingrich $10,000 that he has! Can we think of anyone else?

  5. My odometer only works if it's feed a couple Viagra

  6. I have a patient that needs a heart transplant but can't get on the list because of cancer. He just went on a viagra pump for a constant infusion of the stuff to strengthen his heart. He relates he hasn't felt this good in 10 years and has started to exercise. It certainly is working for his odometer!


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)