Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Update on Maryland Track Discontinuation

I was there in the stands among the throngs from Jamaica smoking the evil weed (not me!! Them!)and pounding on drums to witness Renaldo Nehemiah at his best at the Penn Relays. Maryland had an all-around good team at that time.  It's hard to believe what has become of things.

On the bright side, maybe they've already raised significant monies, as I remember they needed nearly $9Million and now it says they only need $4.2Million!   That few people at the current heavyweights of US College Track and Field still worry about it happening at their school dismays me.  All of us are always just one or two pay-checks away from disaster, even Donald Trump. Vigilance is the key.  Getting all the alumni to care about it is key to securing a healthy future for any program. There already is no Division I Track Programs in the state of West Virginia.  Let's hope the cancer does not spread.

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