Thursday, December 15, 2011

Steve Black Debuts His New Web Series "The Gravediggers"

Steve Black (PSU is 800 U!) has been acting for several years now and decided to make his own web series called "The Gravediggers".  My father called me excitedly one day to say he just saw Steve in a TV show, the one about the Pizza Delivery Guy who had a bomb strapped to his neck.  He previously appeared in the John Adams series on PBS.  And he just got his screen actors guild card, so he has the Union behind him now!

As an extra special bonus, see if you can find Gary Black in the short film!


  1. Cue the maniacal laughter and bring our your dead!!! I always knew Gary had Tory leanings...LTM

  2. I have no doubt that Gary would have sided with the taxers, not the taxed!

  3. Dude looks like a lady

  4. Gary, is easy to recognize, but I am assuming Steve is the taller of the diggers. Correct? KKOB

  5. Yes. He's the one with the better teeth! Filming of new episodes will be occurring soon. I need to become involved! Gary tells me he knew how to tie the noose, which kind of scares me!


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