Saturday, July 14, 2012

Colyer Lake Loop Conquered After 29 Years!

A monumental effort was applied as I put on my blues and greys (really) and headed out to tackle the mountain run at Colyer Lake.

The last time I had run there was 1983 when I took a podiatry school classmate to the Brown Football game.  He was duly impressed with the beauty of the run, as well as the length!

Before any of you get impressed, I merely ran a mile and a half portion of it out and back.  Not much.  But I didn't see you there either!


  1. You just "barely" missed me. If you only went a bit farther down the path, you would have seen me...I was reliving my days of streaking.

  2. If we both had kept going we would have found "The Lost Boys" Dave Felice, Brian Boyer and Jim Clelland. They will be late for Brunch at the dorms!


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