Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Attempt at Being A Music Critic

My musical knowledge is about the same as most politician's knowledge of anything.  Practically nil.  But I know it when I see it!

Paul Souza and the Velveteen Playboys came to State College as the headline band for the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts.  They played before a large crowd seated on the Old Main lawn on a glorious evening, with a set-up that was nearly perfect.  Watching them set-up, it struck me as to how hard all of that has to be.  And the actual show has to be a workout for Paul that far surpasses any workout in his high-jumping days!

There were many Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golfers in the crowd.  Our family was joined by Larry Mangan, Bob Hudson, Tom Kleban, Coach Sullivan, Jess Riden and  others I didn't get to talk to because it was waaaaay past my bedtime. I had to leave soon after the show was over so as to not turn into a pumpkin.

My official photographer and videographer was my daughter Anne.  She took hundreds of photos and numerous videos.  I took some too, but almost none of them came out.  Anyone paying attention to this blog knows my visual arts acumen corresponds to my auditory arts acumen.

I saw Paul on College Avenue the next afternoon and he seemed to be having a good time.  I'm sure he was inundated with advice as to attending our Reunion next year!

Here's a little snippet of the action, with a solo from The Playboy's saxophonist Robert Gay and then an introduction of lead singer Paul Souza.  I think this constitutes Fair Use!  Be sure to visit their web site and purchase their CD or DVD (I have 2 of each!).


  1. Sorry... I had grand kid duty Friday and Saturday. I did manage to connect with Paul and the group before they played. Got to sit in on rehearsal. Great to see Paul after so many years. He still runs 5 miles a day without Coach asking him to do so. Nice meeting and talking with the band members.
    Paul, keep singing. glf

  2. Just a side note, when Paul's high jump record was talked about with the band, they always dismissed it as being wind aided! HA! Paul could still jump over 7' today. Very talented guy.

  3. I thankfully had my daughter there as official photographer, as none of my photos turned out. She usually stays up much later than I do anyway! It's hard to believe a high jumper runs more than all the rest of us now. I slink away in shame.

  4. I think the band said his 5 mile runs are also wind aided!!! LTM


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