Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Remembering What's Important Isn't Easy

The 10 Heroes are currently "streaking" toward State College.  It gives me great pleasure to see PSU (and Lock Haven!) athletes who know what's important in life.  I'm not one to always recognize the good and right things today's youth happen to be doing.  In a cynical age, it's easy to fall prey to the constant stream of negativity coming from the 24-hour news cycle.

And yet here are 10 "youts" putting their athletic prowess to a very difficult test, but still recognizing that this endevour is about more than themselves.  To begin the whole ordeal, they placed a single rose at the site of Kevin Dare's accident 10 years ago at the University of Minnesota indoor vaulting pit.  I actually teared up seeing the photo, and I never knew Kevin except as part of our Track Alumni extended family.  Well done guys!  I'm proud to say I was one of the first to donate to the cause (in the name of all of us at the blog), and I urge everyone else out there to donate also.


  1. I notice they are heading through Lacrosse Wisconsin right about now. I once spent a month there at the Gundersen Clinic and the temperature never once rose above 0 degree Fahrenheit. This was also when the "serial killer" began his killing of drunk college students by tossing them into the Mississippi River.* My advice is to speed up through that town and never look back.
    *actually never confirmed. The 8 or 9 victims may have just fallen in. Although I was greeted to Lacrosse with a huge traffic jam because of a roadside burning and headless body. Speed up boys!

  2. I really admire what these guys are doing! It's a great cause and is inspiring to those of us who may be spending too much time on the couch with a remote in our hand!!

    I gave and hope others do as well. LTM

  3. What really sucks is when you are still on the couch and you've lost the remote! Might as well go to bed.


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