Monday, August 27, 2012

Ten Warriors, Two Shirts

Actually, your donations won't go toward shirts for the other eight, they will go toward the Life Back on Track Scholarship.  That will go to a deserving student each year who has lost Track and Field as an outlet due to severe injury or illness.  That's a rather great idea, whoever came up with it.

The 1,000 Mile Relay is a daunting task, but each of the ten is smiling in the face of it.  I can only compare my experience with the 24-Hour Relay back in 1977, and this seems a little more troublesome.  The logistics alone probably drove Ryan Foster insane (he'll recover!) and made him rue the day that Notre Dame alum Luke Watson dreamed up the idea. (We absolutely never hold the Notre Dame thing against Luke!)

The attempt at the World Record starts today, so good luck to all.

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