Tuesday, June 11, 2013

An Inside View of NCAA's

Thanks to Jake Bartholomy, we have somewhat of an inside view of the goings-on in Eugene last week.  It was a week that saw the Women get a top 30 (tie 29th) finish and the Men get a 14th Place finish.  It's been a wonderful year of watching it all, and there is still the USATF and Junior Championships to come.

I have a special thank you for two One-Year Nittany Lions, Ricky West and Sam Masters.  It may have been only one year of eligibility, but its a lifetime of Alumni Status.  Lions are as loyal of a beast as there ever could be.  You'll see what I mean in the years to come.  Remember, the golf may be optional, but its highly recommended!

Here's Jake's comments on the Championships:

The meet was fantastic. There is no better place to watch track in the U.S. The stands were full every day and the crowd stays to watch the 10k's at the end of the day and clap rhythmically as runners pass in front of them. Of course, the crowd is extra loud for Oregon athletes, but that's fair and at least the crowd is into it, cheering, and knowledgeable.
As a PSU alum, I was extremely proud. On Thursday, I ran into Coach Sullivan and some other coaches and athletes right away on Thursday. They all ended up sitting with me and I had a great talk with Sam Masters about his career and future plans. I doubt I would have been that mature to engage an old alum 2 days before my biggest race ever.
I was able to meet most of the other PSU athletes who were all gracious and professional. I was bummed I didn't get a chance to meet our 800 crew of Casimir, Brannon, or Ricky. Rightfully, they were being quite careful to avoid the sun and rest their legs.
I didn't hear any criticism of the two uniforms. I could see the tv commentators talking about it though, I guess. The back story is the distance runners love the "old school" white jerseys and had them made for cross country. In track, if a distance runner makes a final, they get to wear that special jersey as an incentive/reward. Casimir asked Coach Sullivan if he could wear it in the final and since she was pleased with the effort he did put into XC last fall, she said he could wear it. In hindsight, sure it might have been nice if they looked more like a team than individuals and displayed Penn State's middle distance prowess, especially with their outstanding 2-3 finish, but the events just evolved as I mentioned. They weren't purposefully trying to be different or 'not a team.'
Again, I was so glad I could make the trip as I enjoy watching track in Eugene even if it's an all-comers meet and I don't know 1 person competing. NCAA's is special and to see our PSU coaches, staff, and athletes representing the Bue & White with fierce competitiveness and class, ie, Success with Honor, made me so proud to be a Nittany Lion.

Melissa Kurzdorfer. Photo by Jake Bartholomy.

Natalie Bower. Photo by Jake Bartholomy.

Michael Shuey. Photo by Jake Bartholomy

Sean Reilly. Photo by Jake Bartholomy.

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