Thursday, June 13, 2013

More Fun Things Including Running in a Tunnel and a Beach Party!

It turns out that, in addition to the important work that Ron Moore did at the Tevatron, a weasel (well, actually a ferret!) was a valued employee at the Fermilab.

Ferret, Weasel, What's the difference?
Ron will also be reprising his role in the Reach the Beach Relay in New Hampshire in September. The Masters team consisting of mostly studly PSU alums will look to repeat the Victory.  They are also asking for Alums of all ages to man teams to sweep the competition.  And don't forget the Beach Party at the end!  Contact Mark Wimmer or Ken Cooper about details. I might send them funds for beverages and support. Let's hope some of them have Alumni Singlets and send us photos.

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