Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Milestone I Forgot About

Mark Covert ended his streak after 45 years and one day.  His right foot finally gave out completely after hobbling for years. He related that after 2 days, he felt much better!

Mark Covert's "Last" Run
My current streak is at 219 days, slightly less than his.  But I have crossed the 70,000 total miles mark with my 70,219.  That's more than 5 miles/day since July 1975, which isn't bad for a schlub like me.  Mark has more than 170,000 miles on his mangled foot.  And remember, some of those early miles were with the likes of our very own Greg Fredericks at Nationals. Hats off to Mark.

Here's a pic of my new updated workout room with 2 treadmills!  My wife picked up a like-new  Smooth Fitness 9.35HR Treadmill at a local Thrift Store for $300.  She dismantled it, and reassembled it in our workout room all by herself.  I did help move it, so I'm not a total clod. I'm about to take the first run on it to give my trusty steed Lifefitness 9500 HR a rest.* Maybe I'll do a review of my own of both in a upcoming post.

My Lifefitness 9500 HR and new Smooth Fitness 9.35 HR
*Yes, I do know how lame it is to do most of my runs on a treadmill now!

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