Tuesday, August 6, 2013

B1G Physics Updates

Brian Boyer has just been awarded with what he calls "a lifetime achievement award of sorts"! He has received the 2013 Edway R. Johnson Meritorious Service Award from the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management recognizing a long-term outstanding contribution to the INMM by an INMM member as well as the individual's noteworthy accomplishments and contributions to the profession.

Brian graciously acknowledges PSU profs and even us lowly schlubs who jogged with him back in the day.  I hereby congratulate our "Official Physicist" (I know, he's really a Nuclear Engineer!).  Well done, Brian.

And do Physicists "Prove" that Insane Bolt is drug free?

That's what they seem to be saying in this "Physics" of  Usain Bolt" article. I'll hold my breath.  These facts are more reliable in the article:

  • Only 8% of the energy Bolt expended in the race was used for motion; the rest was to overcome the aerodynamic drag of his large frame, explains InsideScience.
  • His maximum power output came less than a second into the race; figure about 3.5 horsepower, or enough to power a "large vacuum cleaner," reports PopSci.
  • His top speed came about 7 seconds into the race at around 27 mph.
  • Even without the slight tailwind he had that day in 2009, he would have busted the record with a speed of 9.68 seconds, say the physicists.

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