Monday, August 5, 2013

Out of the Blue (and White) Comes Some Great Black (and White) Pictures!

All-around good guy and PSU Pole Vaulter (and hurdler!) Don Skerpon posted these great pics from the 1980 Dogwood Relays.

Paul Lankford.

Larry Mangan and Mike England.

Alan Scharsu and Sydney Maree. (and John Gregorek)

Al and Larry.

"The Shoe"

Paul Lankford.

Larry contemplates the Sunday Mountain Run.

1 comment:

  1. Some great photos from the archives! Did Mrs. Skerpon ask Don to throw out some old boxes, which led to this discovery?

    Folks should know that Alan outkicked both Sydney Maree and John Gregorek in the anchor 1600 leg of that DMR! Maree ended up with a PR of 3:48 and Gregorek a 3:51. Some pretty fancy company he had looking at his back as he crossed the line to bring us home the winner! LTM


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