Sunday, September 22, 2013

58,000 Miles Ending at the Vietnam Memorial: With Some Coach Groves Photos as a Bonus

Coach Groves and his watch at the Spiked Shoe XC Meet.
Michael Bowen served during the Vietnam War and was fortunate enough to spend his tenure in the relatively safe environs of West Germany.  But one of his buddies wasn't so lucky and became one of the more than 58,000 fallen troops in Southeast Asia.  He became inspired to run one mile for each of those killed during the conflict.  He just finished the job after 31 years of running at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington several days ago.  He now relates that he is beginning the 1,500 additional miles for those still MIA and 3,000 for those killed on 9/11.  Hats off to him.

And Coach Groves must have posed for several hundred photos at the recent Spiked Shoe XC Meet named in his honor.  Here are a few of my favorites from Charles Fuerte.

Nick K. with Coach.

Artie Gilkes makes Coach chuckle.

Director of Operations Ryan Foster, Coach Groves and Kara Foster.

1 comment:

  1. Who knew that a steady diet of piss and vinegar would keep someone looking so young??? I'm talking about Artie!


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