Friday, September 20, 2013

The "Cat-Herder" Signal is Lit for Vintage Photos: Please Help

First off, my budget is measly (nothing) so I couldn't get my own signal made.  I'm stealing the Caped Crusader's signal.  I don't think he would mind.  And as a reclusive multimillionaire, I'm pretty sure he'd help us out if we knocked on his door.  Unlike Montgomery Burns who would release the hounds if we showed up.

Ryan Foster has asked for some help compiling some photos of PSU Track/XC facilities and equipment over the years.  Any of you that have anything documenting facilities and equipment can really help us out.  Failing that, stories and anecdotes would probably be of assistance also.  I'm thinking Rec Hall, blues and grays, Ice Palace, Beaver Stadium, weight room etc.  etc. etc....

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