Monday, September 16, 2013

It Finally Came True

Richard Feynman, left, 1963.
I've owned The Feynman Lectures on Physics and Six Easy Pieces in various formats for quite a while now.  They fuel the fascination I have for the Man and the Science and provide a quick fix to help understand the world around us.

Now you can peruse this wonderful source of knowledge just like the Introductory Physics class of CalTech in 1961 to 1963 for free!  There's also an edition of Six Easy Pieces for the iPad.

Each and every one of you should try this out and get hooked on Nerdiness before too many of your brain cells die.

I also learned what would happen if you toss a 60 pound ball of silly putty from an 8 story building from this site.  Will it  a) splat  b) bounce  c) explode  d) implode  or  e) just sorta land?

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