Sunday, September 15, 2013

Storming the Beach... and Broad Street

The Mine Falls Milers.
A team of mostly PSU Track Alumni Masters (Super Masters they are called because all of them are over 40!) runners stormed the Beach in New Hampshire yesterday, coming in 2nd out of 468 teams and dominating their Division by 6 hours!  (Only the much younger Alumni crew from St. Francis XC were able to top them.)

      SFCMXC             1  2-Men Open   20:14:06
      Mine Falls Milers  2  4-Men Super  20:38:00

Among them are Ron Moore, (future Group Official Physicist), Jake Bartholomy, Mark Wimmer and Ken Cooper.

And today was the Philadelphia Half Marathon with at least one speedy member of our Group ready for the perfect weather.

Matt Groves finished in 1:16:25Not bad for a 800 M man!

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