Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Public Property. Keep Out!

Stay off my lawn kids!

 "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." - Abraham Lincoln
Apparently the people have been forgotten. If running in cemeteries is offensive don't even think about running in our national parks and monuments during the federal government shutdown. A man was fined $100 for the heinous act of running in Valley Forge National Historical Park on Sunday by two rangers in flashing cruisers.

I have done a few runs at the park and it is quite a lovely place especially this time of year but hey maybe this fine can go towards balancing the budget.

*Despite the government hiatus the debut of Pegula Ice Arena will go on as scheduled.

*Update 11:00 pm: The $90 million shrine to hockey may be christened in a match against Canisius College. Looks like the Army athletic department jumped the jumped the gun on their commitment. Regardless the games must go on.


  1. Has a serum been developed yet to treat these poor hockey-crazed fans? Can their symptoms, at least, be alleviated?

  2. Combine the tenaciousness of a US Army man (or woman!) with the toughness of a hockey player and you have just about the perfect American. I hear it the best arena for hockey in all of America. I hope someone fills us in.

  3. I run there quite frequently and will be there in a few weeks "to train with the Kenyans". Did you also know that the main building is just yards from one of America's worst Superfund sites. http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/npl/PA9141733080.htm

  4. 90 million dollars for Hockey arena. Nice to hear Penn State has their priorities straight.

  5. The $90MM was a gift from a donor to establish a D1 Hockey program.

    How did you want them to spend it George? Hair replacement and weight loss program for aging tracksters?

  6. Nice post young Groves. Your story was accurately reported - I'm now worried that the veracity of postings on this blog will improve!

    Where can I go next to find the inexactitude that I crave? Sigh, back to Fox News? KKOB's FB page? :) LTM

  7. How can a right-winger decry how wealthy benefactors spend their money? The world is upside down. Or maybe it's just irrational hatred? Yeah, I'll go with irrational hatred. Crazy bigotry is another way of putting it. Nice post Matt. You really brought the mirth until Beelzeub took a stab at spoiling it. Show your dad what he's really like once again. He's as sick of it as the rest of us. When will he finally go away like he promised? And don't worry LTM, I'll be back at it soon.

  8. Just hoping to inspire the future while honoring the past. :)


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