Tuesday, October 8, 2013

They're Dying To Get In

I have always loved to run in cemeteries.  Never even thought about what others thought about it, even the people under ground!  It never crossed my mind that anyone would object to it.  But I was wrong.  People get offended all the time about just about everything.

I especially remember a great warm-up loop in Syracuse prior to the indoor meets at Manley Field House.  There was a very large cemetery right across the street with seemingly endless empty roads to run on.  Combine that with the greatest of all indoor tracks*, and it made for a great combo.

Turns out the cemetery is actually two cemeteries, Morningside Cemetery and Oakwood Cemetery. And not a single person there objected to my warm-up.

*The track had straights which were about 10M long and turns that were wider than an outdoor track.  The building was round so the track had to be squeezed to fit. The sides of the building were all the bleachers which made it like a wood-paneled den.  Quite a homey feel.

Round track, paneled walls! And that's the strightaway on the right!

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