Monday, November 11, 2013

Both the Kenyans and the Deer Are Gone

A few years ago Valley Forge National Park had hundreds of deer and nearly as many Kenyans. The deer were so out of control that many ended up being hit on the PA Turnpike nearby.  So a special professional "culling" was organized and the professionals moved in to reduce the numbers by 70% or so.  By professional, I suppose they meant those with a gun and less than a six-pack of beer under their belt!  They say they were professional sharpshooters from the Department of Agriculture, the same organization that is in charge of school lunches and the food stamp program.   And no matter how many times they tell you how good deer meat is, don't listen, even the jerky is awful.

Now I'm pretty sure that these sharpshooters were only after deer, but it must be noted that there aren't any Kenyans left in Valley Forge anymore. At one point there were many, who loved the Park for its varied running surfaces and safety.  Either they have left for better training venues or are now working as black-jack dealers in the nearby casino.  I was unable to get to the bottom of it in my 3 days there.

But I did take these pictures of the Super Fund site within a hundred yards of the main parking lot and visitor's center.  The Dow Chemical Company subsidiary Rohm and Haas used the area to dump asbestos with impunity. It's scary just to run by there, but of course I do.


  1. LOL....venison is healthier than any best cut of beef. You just haven't had well prepared venison! As for the Kenyans, I can't say. But, for Valley Forge Park, the trees are starting to bounce back. Just watch out for those that are left.

  2. Bilé sez:
    This Kenyan runs in Schenly Park


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