Tuesday, November 12, 2013

You Can Have One With The Other.

The long standing belief is "no alcohol when in training". Well a recent study has found that consuming small amounts of alcohol after exercise did not adversely affect recovery. I have long joked that a meal with a beer or two after a workout is the best (and cheapest) recovery drink on the market. Don't waste $50 at your local GNC for the latest synthetic recovery formula.

All kidding aside if it is not helping at least it is not hurting. Like a wise man once said to me "everything in moderation, including moderation".

  1. “All I want to do is drink beer and train like an animal." ~Rod Dixon”

(Note: For you kids small amount equals 1-2 beers not 8-10 which would most certainly have a negative affect on recovery).


  1. As most PSU Track alumni Golfers know, my 2 yearly beers (one on Friday night at the Reunion get-together and the other on Saturday after the first 9 holes of the Tourney) disqualify me from discussing the pros and cons of imbibing. Although last year I substituted a 1/2 strength gin and tonic on Friday night. And boy, was I wasted!

  2. Was the wise man related to you, perchance?

  3. I actually heard it from Mark Miller prior to my freshmen year.

  4. After years of study, I came to the conclusion that 8-10 beers did not have a negative effect on recovery. It had a substantial negative effect on the ability to stay vertical.

    However, 2 hour Sunday runs had a decidedly negative effect on recovery.


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