Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

As I awake today, alone,  because everyone else is off to "run" the local Turkey Trot, I amThankful for a few extra hours of sleep.  I do run nearly every day, but can't quite make myself "race" anymore.  What's the point?  Run as hard as I can, risk injury, ridicule and shame, all to end up "running" twice as slow as I too easily remember.  I'll just await results and photos from everyone else.

There are a few Alums running for the diamonds today in Berwick.  There are a few running Boalsburg's version.  There are some running Horace Ashenfelter's Annual race in up-state New Jersey.  York's version has more than 5,000 entered! Tyler McCandless is gunning for his Coach's record in Colorado.  And speaking of Tyler, he apparently is having a Turducken* for dinner!

A Turducken has to be better than Howard Wolowitz's mom's Turbriskifil**

*Of course, a mostly deboned turkey wrapped around a deboned chicken wrapped around a deboned duck wrapped around stuffing.

**A deboned turkey wrapped around a beef brisket wrapped around a gefilte fish. "It's not as good as it sounds."

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and don't forget to send me some Turkey Trot stories and photos.

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