Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just in Time For Thanksgiving Dinner

“Here come pieces of… MY GOD!”

I once attended a Podiatry Conference where Dave Barry was the Keynote Speaker.  And as he would often say, "I'm not making that up!"  He told many stories, enlightened the crowd like no other Podiatric lecturer ever could, and I even got 2 CME credits.  It was a bargain that can never be repeated again. I mean, the authorities won't allow it anymore...

One of the stories he told was the classic exploding whale story from 1970  told in his syndicated column in the days when he still needed money (1990).

Fair Warning: This could ruin your Turkey Day meal.  

But it's also good to know that anytime a whale dies and ends up on the beach, it's not a good idea to poke the thing with anything sharp.  The build up of gases tends to make them quite explosive without adding any dynamite. This is a recent example.

Fair Warning: This one is worse.  Not for the squeamish.

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