Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Trapped Like A Rat Five: The Oldening

Finally made it to Disney where I always feel trapped like a rat. My love/hate relationship with Disney continues.  Despite having the easiest traffic situation ever the entire way, the drive somehow still gets harder every year.  I'm getting old, I guess. The Oldening is quite a horror show.  Our elders tried to warn us and we paid them no heed. I did 14 of the 16 hours necessary this year.

Left York with a temperature of -1 degree and made it to Orlando with a high of 65 degrees today.  Really kind of surreal actually.

Everybody with me is running the 5K tomorrow, and I will join them in spirit by doing my usual 3 in the AM.  Two miles today was a struggle, especially with the dizziness from having not run outside in quite a while.  They never talk about that when discussing treadmill running.  I could write a book...

And I'll get around to providing the specifics on the 13th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Outing for those who didn't get the Clark Haley email soon.  With the PSU Team's schedule conflict this year, we will be getting back to our roots.  This will be a perfect opportunity for those who haven't been with us before or those who have not golfed in several years.

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