Monday, February 24, 2014

Oiseaux d'une Plume

Addendum: An actual French-Canadian has alerted us that "Les beaux esprits se rencontrent" would be the right translation. (which would literally mean "a time when two persons simultaneously find that they believe the same ideas, the same thoughts, the same truths".  The French language is so cool, even when filtered through Canadians!

After even further deliberation, our French-Canadian connection has come up with the proper French translation:   "Qui se ressemble  s'assemble" which literally means, "Those who resemble, assemble."  I kinda like it!

That's "Birds of a Feather" in French (or at least what Google Translate tells me is the translation. I sometimes wonder?)  And that French is to honor our new friend George Brose who is a transplanted American living in the Great White North.  Although I'll bet he knows French as well as I do...

And with my limited research of the entire matter (in compliance with what Laundry Officer Larry Mangan knows to be my methods!), I figure we certainly are Birds of a Feather.

George has been blogging about Track and Field (from the 1950's and 1960's) for a few years now.  Sounds similar to someone you may know as skwilli!  And what a wondrous site it is!  It will be quite easy for me to get lost in the site for long stretches of time, especially if work in the medical field continues to decline at its current pace.

I already was delighted to see a post about George Young, a hero of mine from early in my "running career". Photos, stories and comments from intelligent people who lived through the era.  It is a gem indeed!

George had some nice things to say about our site too.  Which made me blush somewhat.  I'm not used to praise, although occasionally it does feel nice.  I'm more happy that he complimented the "sense of humor" of our website.  What I call "Mirth".  Quite honestly, I think mirth is a very important part of our efforts.  It separates us from the intense and negative aspects of the Track and Field world we saw on display in all its horror this past weekend.  Savor the Mirth!

He also figured out the "Golf" part of our site in record time.  Far faster than most members of our group ever do. 

Make a visit to the site and see what I'm talking about:

(The "Vest" is what we call a "Singlet"! Their site has a sense of humor too!)


  1. I would have bitten on oiseaux de meme plume, but my wife when asked gave me a 'WTF was that?' kind of look. We went to the Petit Larousse and came up with "Les beaux esprits se rencontrent." which is to say a time when two persons simultaneously find that they believe the same ideas, the same thoughts, the same truths. I believe that's what we were trying to say in the first place. N'est pas?


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