Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Some PSU Goodness Mixed in at "Once Upon a Time in the Vest"

I've only had a little time to browse the site, but I have come across so many cool things.  An example is a little blurb about Al Cantello, former WR holder in the javelin and distance coach at Navy since 1965, and a hero of mine, among many others.

But here are two PSU references to stimulate the appetite:

Bill Ashenfelter's Shoe

Shoe worn by Bill Ashenfelter in the 1952 Olympic Steeplechase, won by his brother Horace.Ashenfelter III.
PSU Junior Jim Stevenson, winner at the 1964 Olympic Trials Preliminary meet Javelin 242' 8".
The Olympic Trials were different in those days.  At this preliminary meet, first place meant you were on the team, and 2nd through 6th place put you into the formal Olympic Trials meet for a chance at the other slots.  I'll have to get my crack team of editors and fact checkers look this stuff up.  Did any of you know Jim Stevenson was an Olympian?  We do know that he has the grandfathered old javelin Alumni Record for PSU!

An early addendum:  I was pointed to this obituary of  Jim Stevenson which explains it all.  Sounds like another extraordinary man from the ranks of the PSU Track Alumni.   I keep saying that our members are the most interesting, most intelligent and most accomplished people I have ever met.  I'm sorry I never got to meet Jim Stevenson.  But I'm trying to make it possible for all of us to meet each other, which will enhance each and every one of us.


  1. Check with Coach about Jim Stevenson. I remember a picture of him hanging in Rec Hall. He won the first trails, but they had a second trails and he was out of shape (or something) and finished 4th I believe. Coach knows the whole story.

  2. If you download the History of the Olympic Trials (from the T&FNews website), you'll get a bit of scoop on what happened to Stevenson in the '64 Trials. That happened to be the year that HS legends Jim Ryun and Gerry Lindger (who won the Trials 10K) made the Oly Team. LTM

  3. Correction - Gerry Lindgren was the 10K winner in '64 Trials. Now he wore a medium! LTM


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