Thursday, March 20, 2014

What Really Happened

Besides track and field this blog loves a good physics discussion. So, could astrophysics explain the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370?

From the
"Mind-bending possibility #2, the “Stargate” explanation: A teleportation portal of some kind exists in the skies, through which the plane inadvertently flew and was teleported somewhere else. Yet, astonishingly, electromagnetic signals can still make it through the portal, and the two sides of the portal remain in contact across the radio spectrum. (This explanation sounds like pure science fiction and also seems extremely unlikely, yet we must at least acknowledge that modern physics has already demonstrated the instantaneous teleportation of information across apparently infinite space due to the “non-locality” of entangled electrons as described in quantum theory.)"

Heavy stuff but it is how Thor travels to earth. Who doesn't love a crazy conspiracy theory involving stuff you see in the movies?

Einstein's theory of general relativity does provide theoretical evidence for wormholes, but as I am writing this two men in black suits and dark sunglasses are knocking at the door......



  1. I have infected co-blogger Matt with a love of Physics! (Well, our meager facsimile of Physics compared to Ron Moore.)

    CNN has devoted 26 hours of coverage daily to the missing plane, and has finally come up with a true scientific explanation. Thanks to them, I feel better. And it has doubled their ratings compared to trying to spin the state of our Country to the positive. They will be dismayed when it is finally explained and will probably be the go-to source for discounting of the official explanation. Something FoxNews has been accused of repeatedly. Funny how things go sometimes.

  2. kinda like when the Iraq war started going badly, Fox cut back on its war coverage significantly and became the go-to network for Paris Hilton news.

  3. Paris Hilton is sorta PSU track related, isn't she. Didn't she shag Nick Symmonds who trains with Cas Loxsom? FoxNews must read our blog!


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