Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Victory in Paradise and Another Book Review

Well, Miami isn't Paradise, but Tyler McCandless got to spend some time in Key West following his victory in the Double Bridge Run sponsored by Mercedes Benz.  No word yet on how much he likes his new car.  But check out the boots on the finish line tape-holder!

And our very good friends at Once Upon a Time in the Vest have a very good book review on a fascinating story of running and bureaucracy gone wrong.

When John Tarrant gave up on his fledgling and horrible stab at boxing, he decided that he was a pretty good runner.  His boxing training on the roads was the only part of boxing he was good at.  When he decided to enter some races he declared a small pittance of expenses from his boxing career and was promptly banned from amateur athletics for life.  His running career went on unabated however, and was quite interesting indeed.

Check out the whole thing on their web site. 
(page down to the 4/26/14 blog post.)

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