Monday, April 28, 2014

What A Weekend

Another superb Penn Relays in the books. It was great seeing old teammates again, this weekend has really evolved into a mini reunion for us. The first ever Reconnect at the Relays was a success as well, a great event for alumni attending the Relays to connect with one another. The perfect prequel for the big reunion in May.

On the track, we were represented by three alums competing in distance events. Brian Fuller DNFed in the men's Olympic Development 5000 meters. He was feeling under the weather but being the Penn Relays, you line up and give it a shot. Kara Foster got a new mile PR with her 14th place 4:43.97 in the women's Olympic Development Mile. Owen Dawson lined up for the men's Olympic Development Mile, last year he ran his first sub 4 here, and went for the win holding first place with 200 meters go. He ran 4:00.13 for 5th place.

Per usual the Nittany Lions had multiple event winners.
Congratulations to:
Leigha Anderson 10000 meters COA division
Laura Loht javelin COA division
Will Barr discus college division
Michael Shuey javelin COA division
Steve Waithe triple jump COA division
Bernard Bennett-Green, Brandon Bennett-Green, Alex Shisler, Byron Robinson 4x400 IC4A division

Of course part of what makes the Penn Relays great is the scene outside of Franklin Field. I will leave you with this video of the party.


  1. An 11 second video is perfect for the average PSU Track Alumni Golfer's attention deficit disorder.

  2. Ahem...I believe Philly native (perhaps born there like me) Darrell Hill won the COA Shot Put. KKOB80

  3. Yes correct. My apologies for leaving him out.


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